Thursday, April 8, 2010


Day 1 went well! I am so proud of the Dance Repertory dancers. It was impressive how quickly they learned the Folklorico dance. I am also very proud of the teachers who taught this beautiful cultural dance. I will post pictures and video soon.


As you begin blogging would you please take a moment to introduce yourselves in a comment to this post. Please include the following information:
** Grade in school
** How long you have been dancing
** Why you volunteered for this project
** Tell us something fun and interesting about you


  1. hey i'm danielle. i'm a senior and i've been dancing for musical theater since i was 9 years old, but didn't start dancing outside of the theater until last year in my high school's dance gala. i volunteered for this project because i thought it would be a great experience that i probably won't get another chance to do. also, i want to expand my dance repertoire and acquire new skills that i can take with me after i leave high school. and just why wouldn't i? :)
    and something about me is that i... can sing in the same range as a bass? haha; sorry that's all i could think of!

  2. I am in 11th grade (Go Juniors!) and I started dancing when I was about three or four taking dance classes and performing in an abundance of shows along with my older sister. I have been involved in Irish, Polynesian, cheer, tap, ballet dancing….etc. I decided to join this project because I wanted to expand my dancing knowledge and learn the different types of dances from the cultures that make people unique. Something fun and interesting about me?! Well I am able to make realistic animal noises! The classic everyone enjoys is my cougar growl and my dog barks:)

  3. I am a senior and I have been dancing for about six years. Most of my experience comes from Color Guard.I would consider myself to be a contemporary dancer, although I have also done belly dancing, tap, ballet, and jazz. I volunteered for this project because I believe that culture really comes alive through dance, and it is interesting to explore different traditions and styles. Something interesting about me hair sometimes resembles a lion's mane:)

  4. I am a senior at Clovis East. I have been dancing for 15, nearly 16 years. My grandma started me in Ballet and Tap when I was 2 years old. I began competition Jazz when I was 10. I volunteered for this particular project because I have always been curious of other cultures. I mainly was excited to learn new dance styles to incorporate in my choreography. Even though I do not have plans to make a career of dancing, I am very passionate about it. Something fun and random about me is my career plan to become a trauma surgeon, which has nothing to do with my artistic side, oddly :)

  5. RepJadeB - You plan to become a trauma surgeon. That's wonderful and quite noble! I had a dance friend in college who also worked as a nurse. It's a great way to use both sides of your brain and balance your life. =)

    Thanks for your responses everyone! Keep up the good work.

  6. Hi, I am a senior at Clovis East. Dance has been a part of my life ever since I was born, but it's a dance that doesn't come to mind quite often, it’s Square Dance. My parents tried to teach it to me as soon as they could, so I stared to pick up on it. They discontinued to dance for a while to raise my sisters and I. I started to dance in musical theater in 10th grade and started dancing from then on. I volunteered for this project because I absolutely LOVE learning about different cultures, how someone can be so different, yet the same, really brings joy to me. Something fun and interesting about me... I love kids show! My favorite is Phineas and Ferb, Perry the Platypus is my favorite character:]

  7. Hello there:)! My name is Lydia and I am a senior at Clovis East High School. I have been dancing since I was little. It started with cheer and then it eventually progressed to dancing. I volunteered because I believed that I woud learn a lot about different cultures and I could take some of the material learned from this experience and combine it with choreography that I've made up for our anuual Dance Gala. Something interesting about me...I am very short about 4ft 11in and a half. I LOVE Harry Potter and reading books. And finally if I could live anywhere in the world I would live in Disneyland.

  8. Hello everyone! I'm Karlee and I am a senior at Clovis East High School. I have been dancing since elementary school, starting with cheer and musicals and by middle school branching into more genres of dance, such as folklorico and guard. Other genres of dance I have done include: tap, belly dancing, modern and hip-hop.
    I decided to do this project because I dance folklorico and I’m in the dance repertory class at East, so I feel that exposing people to other aspects of dance is very important. Also for me, to feel like I’m opening myself up to as many different cultures as possible, to learn something about a culture I might not know. But just for the experience, to be able to say, "I have danced Hmong and West African dancing!!!!" is a really cool thing! Most people cant say that.
    Something fun and interesting about me.... I LOVE to laugh! =D

  9. Hey. My name is Gabrielle and im in the 11th grade:) I have been dancing since my freshman year. I wanted to this project because i love dancing and i really wanted to learn how different cultures danced and what their dances meant to them. Something interesting about me is that im very clumbsy :)

  10. Hey there. My name is Nicole Vargas, and I am a junior at Clovis East. I have been dancing Folklorico for 10 years, and I absolutely love the art of performing! I volunteered to teach a Folkorico (Mexican dance) dance because I was really interested in learning new things from the dancers I was teaching. Just by listening to their side conversations about the dance, or little comments here and there, I learned a lot about the style of dance that they usually perform. I was definitely a very informational experience! Something interesting about me is that I always win at staring contests.


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