Friday, April 16, 2010

Our Final Dance Showcase

I am very proud of the students involved in this project. You are ALL amazing!! Our showcase went well and the audience was pleased to see what the dancers had to offer. I will include photo and video entries of today's event soon.

All of the dancers involved in this project, please comment on the following questions by Sunday. Thanks!

**What did you learn through this experience?

**What insight do you now have about other dance genres, cultures, and students who are different from you?

**How will this experience help you in other areas of your life regarding dance?

**How will this experience help you in other areas of your life NOT regarding dance?

**The single word that inspired this project for me was “open”. After this experience, what does this word mean to you?

**Please include any additional comments about this project and your experiences.


  1. Through this experience, I have grown a strong appreciation and love of other cultural styles of dance. I greatly enjoyed and appreciated the process of learning and extracting elements and styles of movement to fuse together all dance.

    Because of this project, I now admire variety and difference of cultures. I find myself thinking of whether cultures have specific dance styles or other things that make their culture unique.

    I have learned to see and connect the differences that all humans have through dance. By doing this, unity is created as well as respect and kindness. By taking interest and showcasing all types of dancing, a silent peace is created among us dancers.

    Because of this project, I feel a special closeness with all others who were involved. We have all grown to appreciate and admire other cultures than what we have known. By learning the dance, I have grown a high amount of respect for other cultures and hope to learn more things about them in the near future.

    The word open has become a changed definition for me, merely because before this project began, I believed I was pretty open to other cultures but realized that there was much more room for improvement. My openness has only grown as well as my respect and admiration.

    I thoroughly enjoyed working on this project and am disappointed that it has to end. It was quite a special opportunity to take part in learning all of these extraordinary types of dance. I cannot express enough of how much admiration I have for these cultures as well as the curiosity to learn of others :) Thank you, Miss K :)

  2. I have learned not to judge something before you try it. Some of these dance looked easy but they were hard. I also learned that every cultural dances are different in their own cool way.

    I would say that, if a person is different then you don’t make fun of them for it, meet them and learn where they came from, and learn who they are. I gained respect for other cultures and students who are different from me.

    It helped me to choreograph better, and just use the natural wonders that are around me as inspiration. It also taught me that I can make a dance using materials of another dance and have similarities between the two, without stealing the exact choreography.

    It taught me not just to look for people that I can relate to, but someone different. To go outside my comfort zone, and meet new people. Plus just to respect everyone and where they came from.

    The word “open” to me now means, to realize that sometimes everything doesn’t revolve around me. I need to go and expand my appreciation for other cultures and the world, or just with people in general.

    I would like to thank all of the teachers and people who were involved with this project, for expanding my dancing skills and helping me love different cultures more. I would also like to say, for everyone that is reading this, that I hope you do get inspired and teach different cultures through the arts. Plus keeping the arts in school, we get to help students see the creative sides that they didn’t know they had, or just help them to receive there fullest potential. Lastly I want to thank Miss K. for putting this together and helping me see that dance is AMAZING, whether it is modern, musical theatre, a dance style that I don’t know or a cultural dance.

  3. Through this experience, I have learned that every style of dance is significant. I have also learned that it's not fair to judge something before you try it. I can recall students from my school saying that a certain cultural dance looked easy, and I wish that they could have been in this project with us. It most certainly was not easy, but challenging, because each style required a different technique.

    This project gave me insight into the values and cultures of other students on campus. Often times we don't explore the values of others if we think they are different from our own. I now have a more developed respect for the people around me. By studying various dance cultures and finding similarities between these and western sytles of dance, I have seen the similarities in people of different cultures. We are all human beings who share hardships and happiness alike, no matter where we are from!

    This experience will help me be open to other styles of dance, even if they are completely different from the style I am used to. It will also encourage me to incorporate elements of various styles into my choreography.

    I will not make assumptions about people based on their culture because I have learned that impressions are often wrong and judgments are almost always wrong. I will be more open to new experiences in general and embrace the differences in others.

    "Open" to me means acceptance without judgment. If we are truly open, loving, and accepting toward one another, a more lasting peace and understanding could exist between people. We shouldn't shut ourselves away from each other.

    I am extremely glad I participated in this project. I almost didn't commit because none of my close friends were going to be involved;however, I am glad that I got out of my close circle to work with new,amazing people and enjoy their company. I want to thank Ms. K. for her wonderful guidance and inspiration, all of the teachers of the cultural dances for their time and patience, and all of the students who were so willing to take part in this experience. It was certainly eye-opening and unifying=]

  4. Your insights are beautiful and valid. Thank you for being a part of this wonderful experience! I have really enjoyed working with all of you on this project.

    Shelby, you started this project on the right foot. By volunteering without the support of your close friends, you showed us that magic can happen outside of your comfort zone. You started the project with an open mind and heart and continued to learn and create beauty with the differences of those around you. Bravo!


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